Ztratili jste někdy klíče, peněženku, telefon nebo… dokonce i psa? Už se nikdy nestresujte!
Anti-Lost Smart Bluetooth Tracker vám pomůže udržet si pořádek!
Připojte Anti-Lost Smart Bluetooth Tracker ke své peněžence, klíči od auta, obojku vašeho domácího mazlíčka, batohu a dokonce i dálkovému ovládání televizoru, abyste vždy našli své nezbytnosti (aniž byste obraceli dům naruby).
⇒ Víceúčelové: Sledujte polohu všeho od vašeho psa po klíče od auta, smartphone, peněženku a další.
⇒ Snadná instalace: Stáhněte si bezplatnou aplikaci iSearching do svého smartphonu a připojte se během minuty.
⇒ Multiple-Tracker Connection: Jeden smartphone může pro maximální pohodlí připojit až osm Anti-Lost Smart Bluetooth Tracker.
⇒ Dlouhá výdrž baterie: Díky technologii Bluetooth 4.0 vydrží toto zařízení v pohotovostním režimu až šest měsíců.
- Kompatibilita: Většina zařízení Android a iOS
- Verze Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.0
- Pracovní vzdálenost: Asi 75 stop
- Vhodné pro: Smartphony, peněženky, klíče od auta, domácí zvířata, tašky, kufry a další
- Baterie: CR2032 lithiová knoflíková baterie (není součástí dodávky)
- Pohotovostní doba: 6 měsíců
- Čistá hmotnost: 9 g
- Barvy: Černá, Bílá, Zelená, Růžová, Modrá
- Název mobilní aplikace: iSearching (zdarma)
I bought these for my husband for Christmas. He is always misplacing his keys and wallet. These have made life less stressful. No more having to wake up early to help him find his missing keys. And no more spending hours trying to find his wallet!
Bottom line: looks like it will be useful, my daughter used hers and it did the job. We purchased this for us and gave a set to one of my daughters whose frequently misplacing keys. Until we set it up we were doing a key search almost every other day. Now, not so much; it’s like the keys know they’re tagged so they behave.
I love that the batteries are replaceable. I bought these so my wife would stop losing her wallet and keys. Installation was quick and simple, now she can’t even walk away from them without getting an alarm! Thank you!
Works well. The battery lasts for a long too.
This thing is awesome... helps my mom a lot. She misplaces everything from her keys, phone to her pocketbook, you name it. We use it everyday finding her things with the tag tracker on it and it worked.
Delivered super fast, in 12 days. Bought one for my cat and one for the keys.
Bought these to replace some older models that the battery had died on. I like that I can replace these batteries. I do ocassionally accidentally push the button when they are in my jeans pockets, but other than that, they work great. You do need to download the newest version of the app and it's free app.
I’m so happy it has a replaceable battery!
his device is very easy to install. You download the app to your phone, follow the instructions, synch the tile, all in about 2 minutes. Once you do that, pushing the button on the tracker makes your phone ring, so it works both ways. With the phone, you can find the itag, and with your itag, you can find your phone.
I seriously wish I got these a long time ago because I probably wouldn’t have lost my nowhere to find keys!!
I LOVE THIS. Easy set up, easier to use. I can find my phone even when it is on silent, which is usually is. That is genius!